Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Energy Drinks

Our body uses cellular respiration to produce energy. But, we can now drink a can of an energy drink to get a quick burst of energy. Energy drinks can actually damage your heart, and, if you drink too many, can cause the same "buzzed" effects of alcohol.
Many teens today drink energy drinks. They are very harmful to teens because they are still growing, where as they don't affect adults as drastically. So, should teens drink energy drinks? Should adults? Does it matter?

Post your opinions on energy drinks and check out the links below for some reference.


NickLapuz said...

So about energy drinks. Personally, I love energy drinks. I think it's ok if a teenager is drinking energy drinks, but only if he/she is drinking it at a reasonable amount. If you're drinking like two or one a day, I don't think you're helping your body at all. If you're really tired and need energy, go drink tea or some coffee. Plus, I know this from experience, I usually have a crash about 3-4 hours after I drink one. But that's just me. For adults, I look at it exactly the same way. Even if it doesn't affect adults as much as it might to us teenagers.

Lucy said...

I think energy drinks are bad for anyone. The only energy we should be getting is the energy our body is making naturally. If you feel like you need more energy, you are probably not getting enough sleep. Also the crash you get a few hours after drinking the drink is not healthy for your body. I think we all need to stay away from energy drinks for our heath and well being!

Kiimm =] said...

I love energy drinks as well. They're definitely good for a little pick-me-up whenever I start feeling a bit lethargic. Sometimes, if I'm having a bad day, they help me get energized, and for me, energy = happiness. Haha, so because of this, I don't think that energy drinks are all that bad as long you drink them in moderation, as Nick said.
I once had a boyfriend who used to drink about 3 Monsters (at least) a day for months and months. When it was finally time for him to get a checkup from the doctor, he had major heart issues, and if he had kept up that horrible habit for much longer, it could have resulted in something as serious as a heart attack.
As far as the crash, I haven't really experienced that bad of one. I think it might be that whenever I have an energy drink, I always drink the same amount of water as the drink. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but just a thought. ;]

Even if energy drinks are extremely bad for you, I don't think that should hold us back from drinking them anyways. We're going to die eventually, so we might as well have fun while we're living. =]

Kalvin Kirkwood said...

Energy drinks should not be consumed often. They have an excessive amount of materials. It does not only affect kids, it affects adults as well. If an adult drinks energy drinks a lot, their body will recieve so many minerals, that their body can not use it all. When that happens, you will get kidney stones. Kidneys stones have to be urinated out, or surgically removed. Kidney stones can get bigger than marble. To make matters even worse, kidney stones are not smooth. The are lumpy rock looking objects. Energy drinks are just as bad for teenagers. Considering that if a teenager drinks energy drinks, they usually drink it daily, and a few times every day. Energy drinks contain excessive amounts of needed materials. There is so much, that a teenage that consumes energy drinks daily could die from a heart attack. Have you ever noticed, after drinking a few energy drinks, your heart has uneven beats, or it beats faster than usual? What you are feeling, is actually a miniauture heart attack. Now, think about that one day, and those few energy drinks, now, multiply that by 360. Some people drink energy drinks all year long. About half of the people who drink energy drinks don't even exercise to get rid of the waste. Think about how bad of a condition their heart is in. Energy drinks are needed at times, but only when doing something serious like say, skiing or snowboarding all day. But even though, energy drinks are still risky when being consumed for something extremely difficult. For instance, if you drank an energy drink while climbing up Mount Everlast, that would probably do more harm than good. On Mount Everlast, a treck can last about a week. An energy drink tends to make you crash about an hour after consumption. If that happened to a climber, they would be dead. So energy drinks are only needed in the rarest cases.

Royce Jountti said...

Ok... So the question is: Should Teens drink energy Drinks? Should Adults? Does it matter? The answers for all of those questions are right here. Energy Drinks are bad for anyone. Teens, Children, Adults, Elderly Adults anyone with a heart really.
The unit we have been studding these past 2 weeks told us how energy is produced .So like in the discussion it said that we use Cellular Respiration to produce energy. Cellular respiration is the process of breaking down food molecules, like glucose, carbon dioxide and water.
Some people drink Energy Drinks to wake up. But on the other hand People also drink them just to feel weird. (Buzzed) As most people know Caffeine is a drug. So when people hear that energy drinks have alot of caffeine in them they use that as a legal drug. It's a bad thing to do but that's just the way it goes.
So... answering the questions. I personally think that if you feel like you need more energy have an energy drink. Don’t gorge yourself. If you drink Responsibly and you know when enough is enough, you shouldn’t have a problem. But watch your heart. You canhave an instant heart attack.

Austin said...

I have a funny story. My brother had a friend that drank 3 monsters a day. He had a seziure at age 15 and he decided to cut down on drinking monsters. He now drinks 2 monsters a day???? How stupid is that!!!! If something a drank gives you a seziure DONT DRINK IT

Lauren Newton said...

I don't think people have to stop drinking energy drinks completely. But yeah, if you have a small amount every once in a while it won't do much harm to the body. But if you drink more than a healthy amount daily, you can end up with serious health problems,(like in Austin's example) adult or teenager. Energy drinks also don't help you for long. Yes, you do get a few hour energy boost after drinking one but after that energy boost is gone you end up worse than before. You totally crash. Energy drinks can also give you the same "buzz" that alcohol can give you, if you drink a large enough amount. So think about it, the only real difference between drinking large amounts of alcohol and large amounts of energy drinks is the fact that with energy drinks, you can still control yourself. With both you have a high point of energy, then a terrible low point of your crash. So, energy drinks can be beneficial to you if you really need it, and know how much you will be able to have without hurting your body (just like alcohol).

wolfA said...

I think that energy drinks are 100% bad. This is beacuse of the above health probloms but there are some people who are addicted to it. See when I asked a friend of mind why they drink one everyday she told me "I'm addicted to them". This is bad. If they cause people to get health probloms but they can't stop drinking them beacuse they are addicted,what makes it different from smoking? Or drinking? i see none, just the fact that they havent made it illegal for young kids to drink them.